Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Agenda

Welcome to EDW 514 01 Computer Presentations June 28,29,30, July 1---no class Friday
Instructor: Mark Ziegler

14 participants

Attendance: need to be here M-R.

Participation: 50% of the “P”

Final Project (50%): Due 7/2/10 -please e-mail (or send me link), . This project will take the form of a computer presentation (you will decide what type as the workshop progresses-but it needs to be a presentation). It should be used in your classroom for the next academic year. You will present no more than 10 minutes worth of your presentation on Thursday. Indeed there is no expectation that it will be done on Thursday; this is merely a formative run. You will also need to include a 1 page explanation on how the presentation fits into the context of what you are attempting to accomplish (see prompts). Moreover, how did the literature, examples, or discussion inform how you approached the strategy of using computer presentations?

Prompts: This presentation is for____________grade, subject, topic
The big idea or question I want student to grapple with is______________(LFSers you know this well)
The decision to use the strategy of computer presentation was based on______________
The construction of my presentation was informed by______________(literature, example, discussion)
I am choosing not to use a rubric for this final assignment. You are professionals-I expect your best work) In the end, I want what will be helpful to you next year in teaching kids.
Agenda for the Week

6/28- one of the first things we will do is get you set up on our blog.
Our EQ’s
1. What do we mean by computer presentations?
2. What impacts have they had on teaching and learning?
3. What might a successful implementation of a computer presentation look like in the 21st Century classroom?

Word Splash Exercise (to inform what we understand about computer presentations) – Using at least 4 of the following words construct at least 1 paragraph that answers one or both of the EQ’s listed above. Write your paragraph in the blog under “word splash exercise”.
questions, answers, thinking, visuals, differentiated instruction, assessments, bullets, slides, lecture, engagement, literacy, behavior
Next, read and respond to one of your classmate’s paragraph on the blog. Helpful prompts, “ I agree..., I saw it different…, did you ever try…my experience with that was…

Research on Computer Presentations (it is a 500 level course, we need to look at some scholarship on the impacts of computer presentations)
I have a few articles that will serve to inform us on the current discourse over using computer presentations in the classroom. The common denominator is that they all look at PPT. With a partner you will read one of the articles and deliberate over the following questions:

1. What’s the main question(s) being asked in the article?
2. What were the main points of the article?
3. What overarching conclusions were arrived at based on the study?
4. How might this research inform how we might think about using computer presentations in the classroom?

You will have 10-15 minutes to discuss your article with the class. And yes, if appropriate; demonstrate, model, ect. by making use of a computer presentation. We will do one article together on Monday and I will facilitate the discussion.
Tuesday & Wed: 6/29, 6/30 (finishing up our literature review) and taking a look at what’s in the cloud. Free tools that may support what you are doing in your classrooms. Many of the below will be hyper linked in the left hand column.

1. Continue discussing literature.
2. Ted Talks ---let’s assess how they present. Steve Jobs, Larry Lessig…
3. Skills…making a PPT.
4. Pecha Kucha
5. Presentation Zen
6. Polleverywhere
7. Slideshare
8. Authorstream
9. Web 2.0 material…flashcard machines
10. …things that come up because we shared
Time to work on your computer presentation

Thursday: 7/1
Presentations of final project. Discussions of presentations. Time to work on final project.
Evaluation of course
Enjoy the rest of your summer!

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